Perth Stag Night Ideas
Perth is a compact city with all the usual Bars and Pubs that you would expect to find in a typical Scottish City. As the county town there is however a more cosmopolitan element to the range of hostelries that graces Perth. They can however be a bit snooty- so check before attempting to gain entry wearing just mankinis
Any stag night out in Perth is a breeze with all the best pubs and clubs very central and all within stumbling distance of each other. Sadly no casinos or lap dancing clubs are currently in Perth but why not get us to organise some transport to nearby Dundee for that sort of stuff.
The Loft Nightclub is where is all happens after 10:30pm with all the party goers converging on this classic venue. Get us to organise Guest List entry so that you have some chance of getting your choatic bunch of lads in through the door
Call the party team on 0131 603 4860 for instant help and advice