You can save yourself a lot of time and a lot of hassle by simply booking your stag do using one of our edinburgh weekend packages.
All of our packages include accommodation and a number of local stag activities for you. Instead of having to search around for accommodation and activities separately, you can get the whole thing done with one click of the mouse.
We're not little Hitler's, so if you want to swap different things in and out, then we should be able to accommodate you. Likewise if you are looking for a budget weekend, but some members of your stag do are older and want something a little bit more upmarket, then we can swap their packages around to help them.
When stag organisers first approach us and ask for advice, we often suggest that they take a look at the packages because they are a great indicator of price and different ways of combining things to do for the weekend.
Remember you don't actually have to book a package with us. You can cherry pick different activities and we can also mix and match your accommodation.