If you're trying to think of something to do in Birmingham during the day, then why not take a look through our wide range of different activities. We can organise exciting outdoor activities that include shooting or driving events. Or if you're looking for something indoors that is a little vigorous and fun, then why not take a look at some of our dance Masterclasses?
Some other ideas include things like cooking or craft classes or even life drawing. We also have something a little bit naughty called foreplay lessons, which teach you a few things to surprise the boys with. If you're still not sure what you want to do, then you can always contact us either by phone or on the live chat and we can give you some advice to get you started.
If you're like a lot of our clients then chances are you'll probably going to want to do some shopping. So, get out there girls. Open your wallets and have a great day!